Integrated Watershed Management Programme - Faridkot-I/10-11

Keeping in view the serious land and water related problems faced by the state of Punjab and enlarged scope of Integrated Watershed Management Program (IWMP) of the Government of India, four central districts of Punjab namely Tarantaran, Jallundhur, Ludhiana and Faridkot were selected for the implementation of this project on a pilot basis. All the districts face variety of problems and at the micro-watershed level, these problems are seriously impacting the livelihoods of the community and no other program is seriously addressing them in a holistic manner. An area of 5000 ha in three micro-watersheds was selected to cover 24 villages of this district for 2010-11. The DPR of the project area has been recently prepared. The PRA exercises brought out the following type of problems.

July 16, 2014 07:42 PM
Integrated Watershed Management Programme - Gurdaspur II/ 10-11

The project area is located in Dhar Kalan Block of erstwhile Gurdaspur but now Pathankot district of Punjab state. The Latitude varies from 32o 20 to 32o 30 and longitude from 75o-45 to 75o to 55 and covered by Survey of India topo-sheets No 43P/15 and 43P/11. Three micro-watershed have been included in the project. The micro-watershed Putoli (IWDP-II) is located about 35 Km from Pathankot on left side of Pathankot Dalhousie road ,have watershed code B3e (ICIB4k4, ICIB4k5, ICIB4k6, ICIB4k7)  and covers treatable area of 2791 ha. The area of Bhawar  Khad is located along the Pathankot- Jugial- Shahpur Kandi road, have watershed code A7c (ICIB3d7, ICIB3d8, ICIB3g1, ICIB3g2), with treatable area of 2328 ha.  The area of Hara  Majah micro-watershed is accessed from Pathankot- Nurpur road; have watershed code A7f (ICIB3d8, ICIB3g1, ICIB3g2) with treatable area of 1256 ha. The entire area falls in rain-fed, highly degraded, water stressed, poverty ridden Shivalik foot hill region having sizeable number of SC, BPL and landless/small farmer communities the Dhar Kalan Block area receives mean annual rainfall of 1400 mm with bimodal pattern of distribution. Almost 80 percent of rainfall occurs in three monsoon months with very high coefficient of variability the area of Bhawar Khad and Hara-Majah receive about 100 mm mean annual rainfall. The Integrated Watershed Management Programe is mainly designed for planning and management of land, water, and biomass resources with a sharp focus on social and institutional aspects beside biophysical ones.It aims to address the challenges of degradation of land resources, water scarcity, deforestation, and poverty in rainfed area of Dhar Kalan Block.

August 12, 2014 01:13 PM
Integrated Watershed Management Programme - Jalandhar I/ 10-11

The project area is located in Nakoder, Shahkot Lohian Project No: 01 of Jalandhar Distt, of Punjab State. The one watershed project have been included in the project. The project no: 1 is located on South western side of Jalandhar District in Nakoder Tehsil. The project location starts about 15 Km from Jalandhar to Nakoder Road  on both sides of Jalandhar Nakoder Road and leads towards Malsianm Giderpindi Ferozpur road. The project is situated along the bank of both sides of Chittti Bain drain SLJL009. The Project starts from Village Pandori Rajputan etc., east side of Tehsil Nakoder and stretches about 25 Km along the drain towards Madala, Gidderpindi with treatable area  4334.1 Hac.

August 12, 2014 01:28 PM
Integrated Watershed Management Programme - Jalandhar II/ 10-11

The area of Project IWMP Jalandhar II is located north-east of Phillaur town  and is situated on Phillaur- Nawanshar Road and falls in the villages Gahra, Tehang, Saijabad, Nurewal, Bachowal and represented by watershed code Phillaur SLJL0010 with treatable area of 800 Hac 

August 12, 2014 01:29 PM
Integrated Watershed Management Programme - Nawanshahr I/ 10-11

The project area is located in the Shivalik foot hills of the Punjab state and covered under Nawansher district and Saroya block of Balacaur Tehsil. The location of Project area and micro-watersheds is shown in the map. The project area was drawn from Survey of India topo-sheet No53 A/8 and 53A/4. 

August 12, 2014 01:31 PM
Integrated Watershed Management Programme - Nawanshahr II/ 10-11

The project area is located in the Shivalik foot hills of the Punjab state and covered under Balachaur Block of Nawansher district. The area starts from Kathgarh right upto the hills and then extends along the hills to Malewal village. The location of Project area and micro-watersheds is shown in the map. The project area maps were drawn from Survey of India topo-sheet No 53 A/8 and 53A/4. The latitude varies from 31o-10’ to 31o-15’ and longitude from 76o-15’ to 76o-18’.Two sub- watersheds of Nawanshehr district were selected for funding support by submitting a Preliminary Project Report to the DLR through SLNA. This was approved and then DPR work was awarted to the Society for Promotion and Conservation of Environment Chandigarh. Separate DPRs have been prepared for each sub-watershed.This report covers Nawanshehr IWMP-II/10-11.

August 12, 2014 01:32 PM
Integrated Watershed Management Programme - (Patiala) Bhunerheri-II/ 12-13

An area of 4050ha is proposed for treatment under IWMP Bhunerheri II batch 2012-13 at a total cost of Rs 486 lakhs covering 39 villages of Bhunerheri block of Patiala district. Theses villages are located mostly on the left bank of Ghaggar River.The villages are mostly flood plain of Ghaggar River which enter the project area near Ghanaur and grow the boundary of Ghanaur and Bhunarheri block.The Bhakhra main line flows north to south and canal crosses the river through a due (conduit) near Ghanaur.Ghuram distributory takes off from the BML near village Surala Kala and irrigate major part of block A of the project area.Haryana State boundary ingress the area near village Tiwana and Tasalpur.Patiala, Rajpura & Ambala are almost equidistant from Block A

Area is divided into 3 blocks and block A- includes the village Tiwana, Tasalpur, Marhu, Naurangwala, Sarkapra, Khalispur, Pur and Arnauli which is surrounded by Ghaggar River on north-west and Haryana boundary on south and south west.

August 12, 2014 02:01 PM
REPORT ON Agricultural Practices in Water Logged Areas of Haryana – Problems and Solutions
The critical review covered the topics of defining water logging and soil salinity, water logging problem in the world, extent of problem in india and Haryana, effects of water logging including environmental effects, district wise information on water logged and saline soils,, causes and effects of water logging on plant growth. In the geo- hydrological domain, the review covered ground water exploitation and consequences, drainage basins in Haryana, ground water decline/rise. In the chapter on reclamation of saline/ water logged soils, surface drainage and subsurface drainage system, bio-drainage and its advantages are included.
June 09, 2021 12:22 PM
Micro Irrigation systems are significant not only in water saving but also in efficient energy, labour and fertilizer management for more crop production. These are helpful in uniformity of water application, higher water use efficiency, no land leveling, assured irrigation to the agricultural fields, improving cropping intensity, increasing efficiency through judicious use of irrigation water, saving farm land, appreciating land use and improving socio-economic condition of the farmers. Besides higher water use efficiency, MI has other economic and social benefits too.
June 09, 2021 12:35 PM
Impact of Soil Conservation Measures in the Catchment of Sukhna Lake
The present study was commissioned in 2007-08 to evaluate the impact of soil conservation measures in the catchment of Sukhna Lake on the ground water, soil and geology. The study was conducted by SPACE-the Society for Promotion and Conservation of Environment, a Chandigarh based NGO registered as a professional group with specialization in Soil and Water Conservation.
June 09, 2021 02:13 PM
Impact Assessment of Natural Resources Management Project for Poverty Alleviation in a Challenging Aravali Ecosystem - A Case Study of Gotoli Village
June 09, 2021 02:23 PM
Impact Assessment of Natural Resource Management Project in a challenging Aravali Ecosystem - A Case Study of Gualda Village
The SPACE reported both positive and negative impacts of the programme and indicated questionable viability of investments on certain unproductive initiatives. As a consequence, the steering committee in its meeting of April 30, 2010, decided to conduct a mid-term review of the project to consolidate the achievements and experiences of the last four years and then modify the future implementation strategies. For this purpose, the management decided to take up a comprehensive social, economic and environmental study of one of the typical village, well treated with the package of practices. Ultimately, village Gualda situated on southern aspect of Aravali hills, where works started in the year 2006 and received maximum interventions upto 2010 was selected for the study. Gualda has a total population of 6691 spread over 1152 families and occupy 1521 ha total geographical area. Out of 1329 ha cultivable area, 335 ha was situated below the Aravali hills as barren, uneven, undulating wasteland owned by poor families. This land was providing no returns except its use as common grazing ground. Livestock rearing, labour wages in mining and traditional agriculture were the main sources of income of the meo-muslim community having large size families.
June 09, 2021 03:07 PM
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