About us

The life support systems of the planet earth are intimately linked with the extent and quality of natural resources like land, water, vegetation, livestock and trained manpower. The over exploitation of these resources, particularly in the developing countries, has led to their depletion, deterioration and degradation with far reaching economic and ecological consequences. InIndia, strong research and development initiatives were taken by the states and the central government, but the rate of degradation remained faster than the rate of rehabilitation. The compartmentalized approach and inadequate attention to stakeholder participation produced sub-optimal results. Sukhomajri and many other successful projects on natural resources management indicated the need of integrated approach and creation of vibrant social institutions for sustainable development of natural resources. The mobilization of rural communities to form such institutions, ensuring their capacity building and empowerment for functional success and sustainability require the support of devoted Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). They should act as facilitators and motivators by working as interface between the government departments and the communities.

Realizing the need for such an NGO, a dedicated group of distinguished environmentalists, eminent scientists, devoted foresters, engineers, social scientists, journalists and activists, joined hands to fulfill the long felt need of a devoted and action oriented NGO. They formed the Society for Promotion and Conservation of Environment (SPACE) with headquarters at Chandigarh, and got it registered inSeptember 1997 under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860.

SPACE is basically a consortium of experts having long and varied experience in the relevant field of participatory natural resources development and management. Most of the members have worked in the projects of funded by the state, the central government and International funding agencies. Under the aegis of SPACE, this professional group attempts to draw attention to the cause, effect and consequence of depleting and degrading natural resources. This society helps, assist and promote suitable mitigation measures, essential for resource conservation, poverty alleviation through innovative livlihoods.

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