Main Aims Of The Society

The Society aims to assist, advocate and advance the sustainable development and management of natural resources for the benefit of the human society and restoration of degraded ecosystems. The main activities of the SPACE are:

  • To ameliorate and rehabilitate the degraded ecosystems by undertaking programs for land, water, vegetation, livestock development both under the arable and non-arable land uses.
  • To motivate and involve the local communities in participatory planning, implementation, management and maintenance of natural resources for socio-economic uplift.
  • To devise, demonstrate and propagate improved package of practices and technologies for agriculture, horticulture,forestry, agro-forestry, grasslands, silvi-pastures, medicinal and aromatic plants, livestock and wildlife management
  • To organize and conduct trainings, workshops, awareness camps, seminars, conferences and exhibitions on natural resource development and environmental conservation.
  • To liaise and network with organizations, institutions and individuals engaged or interested in similar activities for exchange of information, experience and expertise.
  • To provide consultancy services on feasibility studies, formulation, execution, monitoring, appraisal and impact assessment of the projects concerning natural resource development, environmental conservation, rural development, awareness generation, wet land management and water resources development.
  • To maintain library-cum-data base and provide information services on natural resources and environment through publications and mass media.
  • To act as an interface and facilitator between various government departments and communities for successful implementation of projects/programs related to environmental protection and sustainable development of natural resources.
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