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Monsoon behind schedule and not enough to cover the whole India

Reuters Monsoon arrived in Kerala four days behind the schedule and has covered half of the landmass only. The interior parts of South India have not received enough rains this season. The rainfall in Kerala was recorded 45% below the mark for the week ending on June 18, weather office data revealed.

"Rainfall has increased in some parts of the central region, but the monsoon has continued to be weak," said a weather official. In the initial days of the June-September season, summer crops are not hugely influenced by the quantity of rain.

The distribution of rainfall in mid-July after the monsoon covers the entire landmass is more important for their growth. India's farming sector accounts for around 14% of its nearly $2 trillion economy, and two-thirds of its 1.2 billion population live in rural areas.

India's coastal areas on both sides and their adjoining areas have received rains. With the arrival of Southwest monsoon, sowing activities of major summer crops such as rice, corn, soybean, cane and cotton have started in many areas but at a slower pace.

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